Treating Migraine Headaches with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Migraines are painful and debilitating and often times when they strike, there is not much that can most patients find will relieve the symptoms. Simple movements can exacerbate symptoms; sensitivity to light and sounds encourages most patients to hide in a dark, quiet room. The attacks may likely be severe enough to be incapacitating and seriously disrupt your life.

Migraines are a common complaint that I treat in my Sebastopol acupuncture clinic, with excellent results.
Migraines have several defining characteristics:

  • They occur occasionally and at irregular intervals, and last from 4 hours to 3 days

  • Pain is usually (but not always) one sided, described as pulsating or throbbing, worse with activity or movement

  • Accompanying symptoms may include nausea and sensitivity to light, sound or odors

  • About 25% of migraine sufferers will experience auras: a variety of sensory disturbances that can be visual, such as flashes of light, blind spots, bright dots, and zig zags, or experienced as tingling or numbness in different parts of the body, or even speech and language problems, like being unable to produce words. Auras typically happen as a precursor to the onset of the migraine, but they may also occur after it initiates.

There are some commonly known things that may potentiate the onset of the migraine. If you suffer from migraines, familiarize yourself with this list and notice if your symptoms strike in association so you may control some of your triggers and lessen the likelihood of an attack.

  • Red wine consumption, or other alcohols

  • Caffeine

  • Skipping meals or irregular mealtimes

  • Certain foods (chocolate, some cheeses, citrus fruit, foods with the additive tyramine are examples that some people find as triggers; in addition, I find that some inflammatory foods such as gluten can instigate a migraine. In this case, working with an elimination diet and food allergy testing can help shed light and bring relief)

  • Dehydration

  • Overstimulation of the nervous system through things like bright flashing lights, flickering screens, overpowering odors, second-hand smoke, loud noises

  • Lack of sufficient sleep (either through insomnia or overexertion)

  • Stress

  • Environmental triggers like stuffy rooms and drastic temperature or humidity changes

  • Hormonal factors, particularly menstruation, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)


In Chinese medicine, the migraine is a symptom of an internal imbalance, dis-ease within your body’s system. When you come in for therapy I will take a thorough assessment of your health history and current symptoms in order to arrive at a diagnosis. Once we find out what is at the root, we immediately initiate treatment to support your body in finding true health and balance, working to alleviate the symptoms of migraines.
In the clinic, I find that most migraines result from:

  • Emotional stress

    • Work, family and other life pressures, depression, anxiety, shock and trauma

  • Physical stress

    • Neck and shoulder tension, physical overexertion, insufficient sleep, improper postures

  • Hormonal imbalances (resultants again typically of emotional and physical stress, or even diet)

Once your body is engaged in a loop of stress, it can be hard to unlock the cycle yourself. Acupuncture, Chinese medicine and herbs, CranioSacral Therapy and some of the other modalities that I use in the clinic can help your body mediate the stress response, find a natural hormonal rhythym and help your body get out of this entanglement.
Once you are out of the acute state of experiencing regular migraine symptoms, it can be helpful to attend monthly acupuncture therapy to help support your body’s newfound sense of balance and to continue nourishing and strengthening your nervous system.

  • Yoga: research has shown a dramatic reduction of migraine symptoms in persons that incorporate a yoga practice into their lives. There are many yoga studios in West County, or you can try a class online I have many patients that really enjoy Yoga with Adrienne.

  • Meditation: Meditation can reduce the stress response in your body, soothe the nervous system and reduce your pain response. You can try this 15 minute meditation from Tara Brach, Breath by Breath - Inviting Relaxation and Ease

  • Acupressure: Check out this short video from a skilled massage therapist to learn a few important points that you can gently press and massage to help alleviate a migraine headache, or slow it down before it gets worse. 

If you live in Sebastopol, or any other surrounding areas like Bodega, Forestville, Graton, Occidental, or Guerneville, the clinic is not too far away and is accepting new patients for acupuncture migraine therapy. Book here
Please note: If you are experiencing migraines, there are some red flags to be concerned with. If you have any of these in concert with a migraine, or any other symptoms that concern you, please consult your doctor immediately


  • Migraines begin to occur after age 50.

  • Pain achieves it highest intensity within a few minutes or less (thunderclap headache, needs to be evaluated by your doctor).

  • You find any surprising changes to your headache patterns (significant increase in headache frequency or significant change in headache characteristics).

  • Sudden acute migraine accompanied with fever, clouding of consciousness, sensitivity to light.


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